Sunday, July 18, 2010

Guest Blog - Poetry from Roy

I was typing with my friend Roy the other day and he asked me to share this with you.

Look into my Heart - Know This

Look into my heart

Know this

I have love for people

Look into my heart

Know this

I have love for God

Look into my heart

Know this

I have love for good knowledge

Look into my heart

Know this

I have love for non-living things

Look into my heart

Know this

I have love for all the creatures on earth.

from Roy: Please share it on your blog. Please tell them I am an artist. Please tell them I give presentations. Give them my name and my web site.

I hope you'll visit Roy's site and browse for a while. He does not speak, but uses facilitated communication to type his thoughts. He has a lot to say. Take the time and listen.

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